Growing like a weed, wearing mostly 12 month clothes, waving high, babbling non-stop, fussing up a storm as I get MORE teeth...I currently have six teeth - four up top and two on bottom. My bottom left tooth is making it's way in so soon I'll have seven! Some nights I sleep good, some nights I don't. I'm a horrible napper, but I'm a great eater. I nurse like a champ and eat all sorts of foods and have had zero reactions to anything mommy has tried with me. I love my big sister and see gets me hyper. I love my daddy and crawl to him in a hurry when he comes home. My favorite foods for breakfast are toast (with a little low-sugar jelly - shhhh) and peaches/pears. I love Saturday's because it is pancake day. I love feeding myself and don't eat much babyfood anymore. Does that about sum it up? I'm a pretty busy nine month old who loves nothing more than being held by mommy - allll day long. I have a 'tad' bit of seperation anxiety. ;)
In the backyard, modeling my soon-to-be nine months self off for Mommy's camera...

Waving HIIII!!! With both hands ;)

Man, those trees are big!
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