Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A visit from friends!

Well, it has been awhile, but since mommy is just getting around to updating our blog! My friend Abigail came to visit me with her Mommy. We had a great time and enjoyed the Tulip Time festivities around town. We can't wait to see Abigial again, come and see us again soon, ok? :)



Alley said...

Raelynn... I love all your pics, and seeing your little ones.. but I can't believe you don't have any comments on this picture yet!! I used to buy calendars with pics like this. It's fantastic!! =o) Sooo sweet & enduring. Hope all is going well with you! ((Hugs))

EC said...

Ok, it has been a ridiculous amount of time since I've been to your blog, like, months! Yikes!

We loved visiting with you, and I hope life SLOWS DOWN soon so we can meet up again!