Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I like to eat, eat, eat...

peaches and pears...I like to eat, eat, eat toast and jelly! YUM - breakfast time!


Soon to be nine months...

Growing like a weed, wearing mostly 12 month clothes, waving high, babbling non-stop, fussing up a storm as I get MORE teeth...I currently have six teeth - four up top and two on bottom. My bottom left tooth is making it's way in so soon I'll have seven! Some nights I sleep good, some nights I don't. I'm a horrible napper, but I'm a great eater. I nurse like a champ and eat all sorts of foods and have had zero reactions to anything mommy has tried with me. I love my big sister and see gets me hyper. I love my daddy and crawl to him in a hurry when he comes home. My favorite foods for breakfast are toast (with a little low-sugar jelly - shhhh) and peaches/pears. I love Saturday's because it is pancake day. I love feeding myself and don't eat much babyfood anymore. Does that about sum it up? I'm a pretty busy nine month old who loves nothing more than being held by mommy - allll day long. I have a 'tad' bit of seperation anxiety. ;)

In the backyard, modeling my soon-to-be nine months self off for Mommy's camera...




Waving HIIII!!! With both hands ;)


Man, those trees are big!


Getting some lovin'...

A quick trip up north for my cousin's graduation party and I got lots of cuddles (and some good food to boot!).





and my favorite skill right now - waving HI!!!!


while I was there, I decided to give Aunt Debbie's stairs a try and yep, not so hard, I mastered them within a minutes time...


and some people I love...

My Family


Gammy and Gampy


The Rohns (Kirsten graduated!)



Just a little morning playtime...Megan wasn't even up yet. I had already banged my head against a toy trying to stand up, hence the red mark on my face. Yes, stand up. I've been praciticing. Maybe I'll walk soon (insert Mommy with big eyes practicing her deep breathing techniques here). I think that means she wants me to slow down...




A little fun in the bath...

I'm still enjoying bathtime. You should see me RUSH to the bath when I hear that water come on. And if Mommy tries to give Megan a bath without me, well, I make myself heard!!! I love baths!



A chair, a sister, and the giggles...

and add a silly Daddy to that mix...what do you get? A very cute photo op! And yes, as you guessed it - it made mommy very happy!






Another visit to the park...

My sister loves this place called "Tunnel Park", she even had her first birthday here! I love to come here too. I *LOVE* to slide and kick my feet and make a happy face whenever I slide down. I get especially happy when mommy sits me on her lap and takes me down the big, whirly slide, now that is fun stuff! Swinging is fun too, oh and putting my hands in the sand, oh and watching all the other kids run around, oh...well, it is just fun! Some pics mommy took of me at the top of the dune at tunnel park...

Fill Flash - Day One

Evan - 5-18-08

Evan - 5-20-08



and my friend Constance came to play with me at Tunnel Park one day too! Who can resist a picture of TWO cute babies!

Fill Flash - Day 2

8 months and some days...

I love sitting in the grass and picking up everything around me. I am really good at pulling grass apart (and sneaking pieces in my mouth before mommy sees!). At least it is organic, right?

Evan - 5-16-08

Why is it May and I'm still dressed in a snowsuit?

Oh well, it is still cold, but at least I look cute ;)


A visit from friends!

Well, it has been awhile, but since mommy is just getting around to updating our blog! My friend Abigail came to visit me with her Mommy. We had a great time and enjoyed the Tulip Time festivities around town. We can't wait to see Abigial again, come and see us again soon, ok? :)


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tulip Time!

Tulip Time is arriving in Holland! This will be my first time surrounded by flowers, sweet treats, and wooden shoes! :)





A random cutie moment!

What you lookin' at?

Evan - Day 111

And they all fall down!

My blocks that is! I love destroying towers...especially those my sister builds.



Evan - Day 112

With Dad...

on a walk on a blustery day! Brrrrrrr!!!

Evan - Day 110

Big Kiss from Big Sis

I like her kisses!

Megan & Evan - Day 109

From marshmellow to ice cream...

Ok, just in my Mom's defense, my Mommy makes all my homemade babyfood and takes really good care of me nutritionally - this are just little treats. ;) It's all my Daddy!

Evan - Day 108

From cake to marshmellow...

Daddy is so bad! I'm too little for marshmellows...well, maybe just a little bite!

Evan - Day 96

Megan & Evan - Day 96

From beach to barn...

We took a little trip to my Daddy's friend's barn. What a neat place! I liked reaching for the long grass and being pulled around in the wagon best.

Down on the Farm

Evan - Day 107

Down on the Farm

Down on the Farm

Down on the Farm

Down on the Farm

Megan & Evan - Day 107