I'm going to be one soon - can you believe I am almost 11 months old!!! I have a huge birthday party planned at Teusinks farm and my big sister is really excited about it. We are celebrating our birthdays together. I am looking forward to the cake the most, while Megan would can't wait for the presents and horses!
My most current doings include gabbing (yes, I am more chatty than my sister was!) and I like to say ut oh, peek a boo, bye bye, MAMA (favorite word), and a rambling of other things. I have a very cute eeks when I get excited and always do it when I see funny animals (even if it is just a picture on the cereal box!). I am still pretty demanding of my mommy and daddy. I love to be held and played with. Constant attention is my thing. :) While I mastered crawling early, I really don't have much interest in walking. I've started attempting my first steps but I still have a ways to go. I am eating really well and have had just about everything now! My favorites include French Vanilla Yogurt and Cheese - dairy does my body good! I really like balls and books. The small slide outside is also a new favorite of mine. Most of all, I LOVE water. Beach, pool, hose, bath, out of a cup, you name it - WATER is the best.
Now picture time - warning, mommy is catching up up since May so this will be PHOTO HEAVY!
Let's start back at the end of May:
My 9 month picture:

Cheering on my sister and playing with a kite...

Our birthday invitation...

and some birthday invite photos...

Mommy giving me my first mohawk...I have a ton of hair!

At Spring Grove Park...so pretty there...

A Jeep Poster my Mommy made for Daddy...

Still have those beautiful blue eyes...

Now some fun snapshots of our summer doings!
Meijer Garden's with my buddy PJ...my first taste of a rice krispy treat!

4th of July...we were in a parade with an old fire truck!

Cuddling with Mama...

Good Morning...

Wake up Daddy...

Come on Daddy...no sleeping in after you have children!

To the John Ball Zoo - Mommy carries me in her sling so I can see all the animals...


After all that fun I was so tired...

Mini Golf Anyone? I can help...

Peek a boo!

I'm pretty handsome...

Time to play some ball...

Now the Battle Creek Zoo!

You know me and my thing for WATER!

Feels so good!

Attempting assisted walking...

Why am I sitting up here?

Family picture - we don't get many of these!

I was in Mommy's belly this time last year - right at this same spot at this same time. We decided to do a comparison shot...

Feeding the Giraffe...

Yikes, he scared me when he snorted!

Catching a ride...

Daddy and Me...

Another Daddy and Me...

And the latest - at the fair with my pal Constance...

YAY! Now you can see how I've grown and what I've been up to the past couple months.
Hopefully, you'll see more or me soon! Birthday party pictures to come soon!